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Revision as of 01:37, 6 August 2022


Status effects are buff/debuffs that can be applied to a player character or a hostile creature that have a positive/negative impact on their performance. The effects, potencies, and duration vary depending on the type and source of the buff/debuff. Debuff can usually be removed by skills or items. There would be some debuff that cannot be removed until it expires or certain condition(s) is/are met.

List of Status Effects

Status effects will be divided into 5 groups; buffs, debuffs, Damage over time (DoT), Healing over time (HoT), and special status effects.

  • Buffs are defined as anything that provides a positive benefit (i.e. increased P.ATK, Hit Rate, M.DEF, etc.) to your character or your party members.
  • Debuffs are defined as something that either:
    • Immobilizes your character (i.e. Stun, Frozen, etc.), or
    • Has a negative impact (i.e. reduced P.ATK, Hit Rate, M.DEF, etc.), or
    • Has a neutral effect on its own but may cause you greater harm if combined with another status effect/skill (i.e. Frozen + Shatter Ice).
  • Damage over Time (DoT) is defined as anything that causes your character(s) to take damage each turn until the status effect is cured or removed.
  • Healing over Time (HoT) is defined as anything that heals your character(s) for an amount each turn until it expires, stolen, or dispelled.
  • Special status effects are anything that does not fall into any of the categories above.


Name Descriptions Method(s) of removal
  • N/A


Name Descriptions Method(s) of removal
Soaked Applied through the usage of some water element spells by either your party member(s) or the enemy and is harmless on its own. Can extinguish the flame from the Burning effect, but will not stop the Scorched aftereffect. However, anyone with the Soaked status will be more vulnerable to spells that causes Frozen effect and will be stunned by spells that caused Shocked effect.
  • Burning (effect)'
Frozen Immobilised and cannot perform any action while under this effect. Receives double damage from a Cryomancer's Shatter Ice skill.
  • Cleanse (Acolyte's passive)
  • Dispell
  • Spellsteal (skill)
Shocked Applied through the usage of wind-based spell and is harmless on its own. Can stun target under the effect of Soaked status or target that already has the Shocked status. The stun applied through this method lasts for 1 round.
  • Dispell (skill)
  • Spellsteal (skill)
  • Soaked(status effect)
Blinded Reduces Hit Rate until the effect expires.
  • N/A
Pinned Immobilised (cannot move forward/backward) until the effect expires. Cannot prevent movement caused by the effect of skills such as Backstab and Vanish.
  • N/A
Stunned Unable to perform any action until the effect expires.
  • N/A

Damage over Time (DoT)

Name Descriptions Method(s) of removal
Poisoned Inflicts true damage every turn for 20% of the attacker's P.ATK (at the time the status is applied) for 5 rounds. The effect is stackable and boosts the damage taken from Venom Implosion skill. True damage is damage that is not mitigated/affected by P.DEF or M.DEF.
  • Antidote
Bleeding Inflicts physical damage every turn for 20% of the attacker's P.ATK (at the time the status is applied) for 5 rounds. The amount of damage received is reduced by the P.DEF stat. The effect is stackable and reduces the effectiveness of healing from spells/items.
  • First Aid (skill)
  • Bandage (item)
Burning Inflicts magical damage every turn for 20% of the attacker's M.ATK (at the time the status is applied) for 5 rounds. The amount of damage received is reduced by the M.DEF stat. The effect is stackable up to 9 stacks, and when it expires, it will leave behind the Scorched status that does not expire naturally.
  • Dispell (skill)
  • Spellsteal (skill)
  • Soaked(status effect)
Scorched Inflicts true damage every turn for 50% of the burning damage received while the Burning status is active. Can also be directly applied by the Warlock skill, Cursed Flame, for 10% of the Warlock's M.ATK at the time of casting. Does not expire. True damage is damage that is not mitigated/affected by P.DEF or M.DEF.
  • Bandage (item)
  • Ointment (item)

Healing over time (HoT)

Name Descriptions Method(s) of removal
Rejuvenating This is Druid's healing over time effect that is placed on all party member with a maximum of 7 round duration at skill level 100. Party members with the effect active will be healed for 10% of the Druid's healing effectiveness each round until the effect expires or is dispelled/stolen. This effect also improves the healing effectiveness of Druid's Lifebloom skill by 10% multiplied by the duration left of the effect. For example, if Lifebloom is cast on a party member with 5 rounds left on Rejuvenating effect, then the healing effectiveness is 20% (base) + 5 * 10% = 70% healing effectiveness.
  • Dispell
  • Spellsteal

Special status effects

Name Descriptions Method(s) of removal
Exhausted This debuff is limited to the Paladin class. When a Paladin uses the Divine Protection or Guardian Angel skill, this status is placed on the Paladin which prevents the Paladin from using those skills for the next 5 rounds while this effect is active. None. Wait till it expires in 5 rounds.